Miner’s Week Aug. 1 – 6
KUMR Live Mining Shows
To help celebrate Miner’s Days, Kimberley’s Underground Railway will be hosting Live Mining Shows Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Aug, 1, 2 & 3 at 7:00 p.m.
KUMR Powerhouse Tours
As a bonus for our regular passengers on Saturday, Sunday & Monday, Aug. 2, 3 & 4, a Sneak Preview Powerhouse Tour will be included as part of the regular ticket price. Participation in the Powerhouse Tour will be optional.
No Man is an Island
During regular hours, 11:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., Kimberley’s Underground Mining Railway’s Orpheum Theatre will be featuring the fascinating 1940’s documentary, “No Man is an Island” which shows amazing footage that follows the lead/zinc ore from the Sullivan Mine to the Trail Smelter.
The Men of the Deeps
The renowned Cape Breton coal miners “The Men of the Deeps” will be performing a sold out concert in Kimberley on Wednesday, Aug. 6. They will also be joining KUMR for a special Live Mining Show & Train Ride while they are in Kimberley.