Vice President Dan Jarrett and President Mick Henningson are busy getting all of the snow removed from the KUMR tracks as we have just eleven days until we do our first tour of the season. We will be hosting the Kootenay Region Municipal Senior Staff on April 25th at 2:00 p.m. (For more photos, check out our Facebook page.)

We will be opening weekends starting May 19 and will be offering a scenic ride to the Resort each day at 11:00 a.m. This trip will give riders some choices. Those wishing to do the regular mining tour will leave the train in the Underground Interpretive Centre while those wishing to do the scenic tour will stay on the train and continue on to the Kimberley Alpine Resort. At the Resort Station riders may choose to leave the train and either bike back down or walk down on one of the many trails available and keep their ticket to ride one way another day, or they may stay on the train and continue the loop back through the tunnel where we will pick up the people from the mining tour and continue to the Sullivan Mine Powerhouse. Passengers will depart the train and head to the Powerhouse for guided tour before heading back to the Downtown Station.

The 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. trips will be regular mining tours that do not go to the Resort. Due to popular demand we will be offering the Express Train Ride Sundays at 10:00 a.m.