by kumr | Oct 25, 2014 | Train Journals
We at KUMR are very lucky to have a dedicated group of volunteers without whom we would be unable to function. Every autumn we all look forward to our volunteer dinner which not only allows us to socialize and have fun, but also allows us to let our volunteers know...
by kumr | Oct 1, 2014 | Train Journals
Record Numbers for Railway Bulletin article written for the Bulletin by Carolyn Grant It was another good year on the Kimberley Underground Mining Railway, as rider numbers rose by nine per cent. Society President Mick Henningson says 9880 people (and 75 dogs) rode...
by kumr | Sep 20, 2014 | Train Journals
Article from The Bulletin – Kimberley Opera Underground was presented in five parts to a very appreciative audience. Part one occurred before the train carrying the audience even entered the tunnel.? The train was stopped across the Mark Creek Valley from the...
by kumr | Jun 25, 2014 | Train Journals
KUMR President Mick Henningson gives a big thank you to RCR Manager Ted Funston for their Summit Fund donation which partially funded the new sidewalk that leads to the Northstar Schoolhouse and to the Orpheum Theatre. The new sidewalk makes these buildings more...
by kumr | Jun 25, 2014 | Train Journals
Volunteer Clarence Uhll , engineer Brent Patterson, and commentator Jeni Jenks show off the Award of Excellence we received from TripAdvisor. We are so grateful to our wonderful volunteers, and great staff and the amazing riders who take the time to write a review for...
by kumr | May 11, 2014 | Train Journals
President Mick Henningson and volunteer, Mike Hayes hosted this great group of geology students from University of Calgary and their Instructor, Dr. Jennifer Cuthbertson on a walking tour of the Underground Interpretive Centre and the Sullivan Mine Powerhouse on...